
Tommy, moved in for a while, might be the father of Sophie Moma’s kittens

Tommy was our neighbor’s cat, and he roamed far and wide and occasionally went back to his home. We had a dog door, and he came in regularly and stayed for days at a time. When we adopted Sophie, Tommy seemed to hang around more. Then Sophie became pregnant and had five cuties. As the boys grew, they had a striking resemblance to Tommy. We don’t know for sure, but we suspect he is the father of the boys Levon, Mia, and Phatty, and the two girls Bagel and Peggy, who had marked different coloring that found homes with friends.

Zoe kitty

Zoe was Sandy’s cat. She was our grand cat. She traveled with Sandy from Indianapolis to San Antonio and back. She was blind in one eye, but that never slowed her down. She kept all the other pets in line. She was prone to scratching and biting people she didn’t know. She passed away in 2018. Chase planted a weeping willow tree in her honor.

levon kitty

Levon is our bounce-back kitty. He was adopted out with one of his sisters. He is slow to warm up to people, but once accepted, he is very affectionate. He was returned to us because he caught birds and chipmunks. The lady that adopted him didn’t like his hunting and killing.

He continues to roam our property and occasionally catches a bird or critter. However, his outstanding feature is his loving on the new puppies. He hangs out with them, rolls on his back, and challenges them to play. He sometimes swats them if they get too rough.

He is hard to tell apart from Phatty, his big brother, and they look almost the same in their face. He is, however, lighter brown and has more of a stripe pattern to the fur on his trunk.

He’s our baby that no one wanted.

Levon Kitty

Mia kitty

Mia is a boy and was named before we found out his gender. He was one of a litter of five from Moma Sophie. There were three boys and two girls. We adopted his mother, Sophie Moma when she was quite young and intended to have her spayed. However, we have a dog door, and she used it to go out and got pregnant before we could get her veterinarian appointment. We kept two of the kittens and adopted out the other three.

Sophie Moma was an indoor/outdoor cat and carried all the kittens, when they were tiny, out to the backyard to teach them to hunt. This led to a bounce-back of one of the kittens, Levon, who would catch birds and chipmunks. When Mia was a teenage kitten, he started limping, and we took him to the Vet and found out he had broken his back leg. He wore his first cast for almost two weeks before he managed to get it off. His second cast lasted less than a week, and we gave up after that. He was quite the dare-devil, and we suspect he fell from one of the trees while chasing birds.

We suppose there are siamese genes in his background because he has a siamese-like cry, different from his brothers or mother.

phatty, what big fangs you have

This is Phatty, the biggest in the litter from Moma Sophie. He’s also the boss of the rest of the cats. He’s aloof around the other cats and is still getting accustomed to the new puppies.

Phatty kitty

Our stray cat – tory

Tory Kitty

We moved to our mini-farm in June 2021 and brought along two dogs, four cats, and all the furniture, boxes, and equipment. Everyone was getting used to the rural change from the city. The dogs gradually roamed over the property, and the cats started to venture out. They had never been limited to the house because they learned how to use the doggie door we had. With our animals roaming and exploring, we noticed that some feral or stray cats were checking things out. One of these visitors kept visiting and worked his way up to being picked up. None of the other cats would ever approach people and would run and hide when we were outside. This little cat, a short-haired domestic type, was pretty thin, so we set out some food and coaxed him into the house. He settled right in, though he was a little skittish at first. We took him to the veterinarian to ensure he was healthy, got his vaccinations up to date, and neutered him. The vet felt he was pretty young but couldn’t put an age on him. His name is Tory, and he is friendly with the Bernedoodles but aloof to the other cats.