Tory Kitty
We moved to our mini-farm in June 2021 and brought along two dogs, four cats, and all the furniture, boxes, and equipment. Everyone was getting used to the rural change from the city. The dogs gradually roamed over the property, and the cats started to venture out. They had never been limited to the house because they learned how to use the doggie door we had. With our animals roaming and exploring, we noticed that some feral or stray cats were checking things out. One of these visitors kept visiting and worked his way up to being picked up. None of the other cats would ever approach people and would run and hide when we were outside. This little cat, a short-haired domestic type, was pretty thin, so we set out some food and coaxed him into the house. He settled right in, though he was a little skittish at first. We took him to the veterinarian to ensure he was healthy, got his vaccinations up to date, and neutered him. The vet felt he was pretty young but couldn’t put an age on him. His name is Tory, and he is friendly with the Bernedoodles but aloof to the other cats.